Production changes result in longer CT X-ray tube life

Dunlee shares results of CT replacement tube analysis


A recent analysis of Dunlee's CT replacement X-ray tubes showed significant improvements in tube life, the company announced. Long tube life is an important indicator of tube quality.


Post-use analysis yields positive results

Dunlee analyzes all CT replacement X-ray tubes that are returned to the factory. This analysis is part of Dunlee's quality control process, as well as part of its program to remain a quality leader in the market by continuous improvement of existing products.

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"For two years we have been running a dedicated quality program, within which we have made several improvements in our production and testing processes," said Leo Kempkes, product group manager. "We are proud to announce that the changes resulted in increased lifetime, based on an analysis of tubes in standard scan usage in Europe and the U.S.A. Now we begin to harvest these fruits."

Kempkes added that Dunlee also evaluated tubes returned from China, which were used to scan as many as 600 patients per day at the height of the COVID crisis. "Obviously, tubes that were used in such extreme conditions had a shorter life than those used in more typical conditions," he said. "However, we were also pleased with the performance and stability those tubes exhibited."

"Dunlee understand that cost of ownership is important for our customers, and quality is the key for cost of ownership," adds Alexander Eitel, head of marketing. "When CT tubes last longer, there are fewer interruptions in CT services, which benefits both patients and hospitals."

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About Dunlee

Dunlee is a brand of the Philips Company Group and distributes all products, solutions and services for the third-party imaging business. The product portfolio includes CT, MR and X-ray solutions for OEMs and 3D printed tungsten products.

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