X 射线解决方案

X 射线解决方案


We provide a vast range of products for interventional  and diagnostic applications in X-Ray imaging. Our portfolio covers  a variety of solutions for cardio and vascular imaging , tube assemblies for radiography and fluoroscopy  systems as well as for image guidance in oncology treatment. As a leading  manufacturer of X-ray grids and high voltage connections, we offer a dedicated portfolio for medical and industrial applications.
We provide a vast range of products for interventional  and diagnostic applications in X-Ray imaging. Our portfolio covers  a variety of solutions for cardio and vascular imaging , tube assemblies for radiography and fluoroscopy  systems as well as for image guidance in oncology treatment. As a leading  manufacturer of X-ray grids and high voltage connections, we offer a dedicated portfolio for medical and industrial applications.

在 X 射线成像领域,我们提供多种多样的产品来满足介入和诊断应用需求。我们的产品组合涵盖用于心血管成像的各种解决方案,以及用于放射摄影、透视系统和肿瘤放疗图像引导的CT球管组件。作为领先的 X 射线滤线栅和高压连接器制造商,我们提供适合医学和工业应用的专用产品组合。

We provide a vast range of products for interventional  and diagnostic applications in X-Ray imaging. Our portfolio covers  a variety of solutions for cardio and vascular imaging , tube assemblies for radiography and fluoroscopy  systems as well as for image guidance in oncology treatment. As a leading  manufacturer of X-ray grids and high voltage connections, we offer a dedicated portfolio for medical and industrial applications.
We provide a vast range of products for interventional  and diagnostic applications in X-Ray imaging. Our portfolio covers  a variety of solutions for cardio and vascular imaging , tube assemblies for radiography and fluoroscopy  systems as well as for image guidance in oncology treatment. As a leading  manufacturer of X-ray grids and high voltage connections, we offer a dedicated portfolio for medical and industrial applications.

  • 心脏/血管成像解决方案*

    X 射线解决方案


    基于市场上应用最广的心脏/血管 X 射线成像链,Dunlee当立提供各种不同功率水平的产品组合,非常适用于高性能介入系统。

  • 肿瘤放疗图像引导产品组合

    X 射线解决方案



  • X 射线滤线栅

    X 射线滤线栅


  • 高压连接器





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Dunlee 公司简介

当立(Dunlee)为飞利浦集团旗下品牌,是全球领先的医疗成像设备核心部件供应商,致力于成像解决方案与创新组件的研发、生产和集成,为 OEM 客户及第三方影像组织提供具有独特技术优势的成像解决方案、组件和服务。我们的产品包括 CT X 射线球管CT 探测器CT X 射线高压发生器核磁共振线圈3D 钨金属打印产品等。

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